
الأدب المثلي 2

ما حدا ينسخ البوست على اي موقع تاني إلا لما يحط المصدر
" لينك المدونة " 
Rashd al-labeeb ila mu3asharat al-habeeb Al-Yemeni

 Islamicate Sexualities Edited by Kathryn Babayan and Afsaneh Najmabadi
 A Jihad for Love, a film by Parvez Sharma

 Illegal citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World by Afdhere Jama

 Female Homosexuality in the Middle East: Histories and Representations by Samar Habib

 Ana Mawjood/I Exist/Ayn Manem alternative cover

 Documentary: I Exist: Voices from the Lesbian and Gay Middle Eastern Community in the U.S

 Islam and Homosexuality in two volumes, edited by Samar Habib with a foreword by Parvez Sharma

 Producing Desire by Dror Zeivi

 Sexual Politics in Modern Iran by Janet Afary

 Women with Mustaches and Men Without Beards by Afsaneh

Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature J.W. Wright and Everet K. Rowson

 Al Rawd Al 3attir fi Nuzhat al-Khatir (The Perfumed Garden in English) By sheikh Muhamad Al-Nafzawi

 Tawq al-Hamama (The Ring of the Dove) by Ibn Hazm

 Al-Diesel by Thani al-Suwaydee easily on of the best poetic novellas in the Arabic language of all time

 Deconstructing Sexuality in the Middle East Edited by Pinar Ilkkaracan

 Desiring Arabs by Joseph Massad

 Islamic Homoexualities Edited by Stephen O Murray and Will Roscoe

Ziqaq al-Middaq Najeeb Mahfouz

Janat wa Iblis Nawal Saadawi

 3imarat Ya3coubian by 3ala2 al-sanawi

 Abdewahab Bouhdaiba Sexuality in Islam (Originally in French)

 Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World a film by John

 Arabo-Islamic Texts on Female Homosexuality 850-1780 AD

Homosexuality in Islam by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle